See What God Can Do Through You
We believe that as we locate those far from God, and love them right where they're at, we can lead them to a higher calling that can only be found in a relationship with Jesus Christ
Everything we do is with Him in mind.
We believe big and start small. Do not despise small beginnings.
We celebrate others, we do not tolerate them.
We are contributors not consumers. We all have a part to play.
We can do more by doing less. There are a lot of amazing things that other churches are doing. We are going to focus on doing what we’ve been called to do and do it with excellence.
Think outside of the box. Don’t stop dreaming.
We don’t maintain, we multiply.
Chew up the hay, spit out the sticks. There is something to learn from every situation.
Let’s be known what we are for more than what we are not for.
We “Get” to do this. It’s an honor to do what we do for God.